Monday, June 30, 2008

New York To Sweden.

So you might have heard, WeSC had it's Spring 09' Sales Meeting in Stockholm. We headed out Wednesday Night, and getting there was about 12 hours. Our layover in London led to a proper English Breakfast of Fried Eggs, Beans, Toast and a pint of Ale! All good. We attended meetings Friday and Saturday which were held at The Stockholm Morderna Meseet (Museum Of Modern Art). Crazed! Spring looks fresh to death, and the new Headphones and Stash Collections are gonna get nothing but Love! As for the trip, well it entailed just about everything! Fashion shows, Picnics, denim clinics, spilled red wine, absurd amounts of beer, new phrases, presentations, handheld burgers, lots of quotes, late night McDonalds runs (stick to what you know), a little sightseeing, and some dancing. If you can call it that. Wild Peanuts! To sum it up, an amazing time was had by all, and I definitely walked away with more insight into the brand, it's influence and inspiration, and why everyone says "Those WeSC dudes are cool as shit!" They really are, and they really know how to do it big. Here are some flicks, that won't lead to indictments.
Oh, and I hear the next one's in Spain. . . . . . No Bull.
Big Thanks to Greger, and all the WeSC Fam.

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